screen568x568With the Apple Watch set to land in Australia on April 24 there’s also plenty of Apps on the way to support it.

One that’s ideal for global travelers is the IHG Translator App which features on demand translation almost anywhere in the world across 13 languages including French, Japanese, Russian, Mandarin, Thai and Hindi.

Translations will appear instantly on the screen by simply speaking directly into the watch or be selecting from a range of common phrases.

The IHG Translator App  will be available free when the Apple Watch launches next month but is also available for iPhone and Android devices.

IHG® Translator Apple Watch App – available languages: 

  1. Castilian Spanish
  2. French
  3. German
  4. Hebrew
  5. Hindi
  6. Italian
  7. Japanese
  8. Korean
  9. Mandarin
  10. Portuguese
  11. Russian
  12. Spanish
  13. Thai