
Here’s What a Phishing Scam Looks Like

Here’s What a Phishing Scam Looks Like

Phishing (no, not Fishing) is when a malicious entity (Cyber-criminal) attempts to obtain information from you for financial benefit by attempting to disguise themselves as a trustworthy entity an electronic communications.   This could be on social media, SMS, telephone or email. So how do you spot a Phishing attempt?  Here’s an email example.              [Read More…]

Improving your Home WiFi

Improving your Home WiFi

If you’re finding that your home WiFi network is sluggish at the best of times and there are spots around the house that it simply doesn’t reach into, then it’s time to update! If speed is your main issue it could just be a case of updating your WiFi router hardware to take advantage of the latest speed technology (802.11AC[Read More…]

PayPal mCommerce Report – Aussie’s Slack on Mobile Security.

PayPal mCommerce Report – Aussie’s Slack on Mobile Security.

When it comes to Mobile Security when shopping online, Australian have some work to do. This is the finding of PayPal’s new mCommerce research released this week. Some of the key findings from the report are;   Despite our concern around mobile security, the majority of us don’t do anything about it Australians having experienced a mobile security breach! Millenials[Read More…]

Australia Can’t Decide on the NBN

Australia Can’t Decide on the NBN

With the National Broadband Network now available to around 4.5 million premises around Australia around 6.7 of us still don’t know anything about it. A recent survey from revealed that while 1 in 4 Australians says they will switch to the NBN as soon as it’s available in their area, 37 percent have admitted to being in the dark[Read More…]

Clean your Dusty Computer

Clean your Dusty Computer

Ever wondered why computers seem to attract so much dust?  The answer is simple. Static Electricity is generated while your computer is running which attracts dust and hairs and like any other mess in your home or office it needs to be attended to. Left to built up over time that dust can clump and end up blocking airflow which[Read More…]