
Apple Now Plays Nice with LG TV

Apple Now Plays Nice with LG TV

If you own a 2019 model LG ThinQ TV, the latest firmware update that started rolling out last month will see your TV playing nice with Apple devices. Users will be able to stream content like  movies and TV shows from the Apple TV app along with music and podcasts…plus your iPhone can also act as a remote for the[Read More…]

Attitudes towards Technology in the home

Attitudes towards Technology in the home

Do you embrace technology at home…or do you feel that it’s intrusive or overwhelming? New Accenture research has revealed that perhaps we’re not all ready to trust technology taking over the home just yet. The research Putting the Human First in the Future Home shows thatthe group most positive and trusting of technology are those aged 65 years and over –[Read More…]

Hands on with Sony’s new Wireless In-Ear Headphones

Hands on with Sony’s new Wireless In-Ear Headphones

Sony’s new WF-1000XM3 promises industry leading noise cancellation and for my ears it certainly delivers a great listening experience. Following last year’s release of the WH-1000XM3 (over-ear wireless headphones) Sony is now delivering the same noise cancelling technology in a compact in-ear format with an updated version of their QN1 sound processing chip that delivers both impressing noise cancellation and[Read More…]

Wearable Tech to Cool You Down

Wearable Tech to Cool You Down

Wearable Tech that can make you feel 5 degrees warmer…or cooler. Listen to how the Embr Wave works.

Headphones that know where you are

Headphones that know where you are

Smart Phone, Smart TVs and now Smart Headphones.Jabra has just released the Elite 85h headphones which use Artificial intelligence to determine how much external sound to let in…or cancel out depending on what you’re doing. I recently spoke with Sid Rashid from Jabra about how these smart headphones work. Listen below.