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May 3 to 9 is Privacy awareness week.  The theme this year is ‘protecting your personal information online no matter your age’.

Why is this important?  Well some recent research from Trend Micro Australia has revealed some alarming findings.

–          61 per cent of Australian consumers let their browser save their password

–          41 per cent do not use a password to protect their devices

–          On average, Australians have five passwords for 26 accounts, leaving themselves vulnerable to a password breach

–          While 70 per cent of social media users indicate they are concerned about sharing personal data via social media, 1 in 3 Australians still allow mobile apps to access their social media profiles, and in turn, their personal information

Earlier today I spoke to Tim Falinski from Trend Micro Australia about Privacy Awareness Week, what the main concerns are online at the moment and what steps we can take towards better online privacy.  Listen below.