Panasonic Toughbook @ Tough Mudder

If you work in a job where you’re constantly out and about and use a notebook you’ll understand how easily they can become scratched and generally suffer from exposure to the elements.

Fortunately some notebooks are built to withstand this type of use.

In the case of Panasonic’s toughbook series, these are laptops designed to take on whatever you, or the elements can throw at it.   To prove it, the Panasonic CF-19 toughbookwas recently used to file a tax return…while being carried through the Tough Mudder 20km obstacle course.   This involved oil, mud, water, freezing water, fire, dust, electric shocks and other things that most people avoid….but the toughbook survived (and the guy got a tax refund).
More information on the Panasonic Toughbook can be found on the Panasonic Website.