iphone-4s_2424784kIf you pick up the newly released iPhone 6S last week but are on the lookout for a new smartphone then you may find that the rush for Apple’s latest is a great opportunity.

How?  Well around the time of any major mobile handset release many people are prepared to sell off their old phone to help fund their latest acquisition so if for example you’re currently looking for an iPhone5 or 6 then now is a great time to buy…or even sell.

Buy, because the previous model can be found for hundreds of dollars less then the latest model and sell, because the demand will be there and you can easily get back some of the money you spent on your new phone.

Further information on buying and selling used mobile devices;

Life HackerHow to buy a used mobile phone

Mobile Tips – A guide to lost or stolen mobile phones

CashaphoneA quick way to turn your old phone into $

eBay – Mobile phone buyer’s guide