When applying for a job, bosses are interested in more than just the CV you hand over with your application…and they are now looking to the web to find out more about you.

New research from Telstra shows that employers are taking to the social networks to get the full story on potential candidates…which half admitting to turning down applicants based on their Facebook or Twitter activities.

The good news is that social networking can also help your employment chances with one-third of employers hiring someone based on positive things they have read online.

Remember when you post anything online, it has the potential to come back to haunt you even years down the track.

Telstra’s tips for managing your Cyber CV:

Check your social networking pages:
Review your Facebook wall, Twitter feed and LinkedIn account and remove language or pictures that might upset, embarrass or offend other people.

Use the right social media tool: Sites like Facebook and Google+ provide a good way to communicate socially, but can be open to a wide audience including friends of friends. A site like LinkedIn is a great way to share industry related information publicly to your professional network.

Make privacy a priority: Review and use the privacy settings available to you – do you really want ‘friends of friends’ seeing photos of what you got up to on Saturday night?

Stay current: Check your profiles are up-to-date and reflective of you as a person. Even if you’re not currently looking for work, social networking profiles are also used to find prospective employees and may land you your dream job.

Do keep confidential information and derogatory comments to yourself: If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it online, including mumblings about your annoying boss. Always take disagreements offline where they can be more effectively communicated and resolved.

For more information about staying safe and enjoying the online world, head to Telstra’s Internet and Cyber-Safety page: www.telstra.com.au/cyber-safety.