cross platform attackCyber-criminals are now finding ways to infiltrate and infect every single online device you own.

In their latest mobile report, Trend Micro reveals some recent examples of mobile apps that are not only capable of stealing information from infected mobile devices but which can then deliver a secondary malicious payload onto a PC connected to that device.

Some examples;

  • ANDROIDOS_USBATTACK.A, a malicious app that not only can perform information theft routines on the affected device, but also downloads malware that triggers only when the device itself is connected to a PC via USB. While the end payload is the PC’s microphone being turned into a wiretapping device, it could have easily sported much more damaging routines.
  • TROJ_DROIDPAK.A, a Trojan that downloads and installs malicious apps onto any Android device connected to the affected PC. The apps are malicious versions of online banking apps, which could compromise a user’s online banking account.

With this new wave of cross platform attacks the best cure is still prevention using  a good security solution – which is available for almost every platform the cyber-criminals are targeting.