
Staying mobile while overseas

Staying mobile while overseas

Before you take your mobile phone on your next trip overseas here are a few things to consider. Even if you’re just making calls, you can quickly run up a large bill, especially if you are making or receiving calls from home…that’s right you’ll usually pay to receive calls too. Using mobile data in another country is a big no[Read More…]

What you should know about streaming movies

What you should know about streaming movies

If you’re looking to rent a movie without leaving the house there are now plenty of online options available across multiple devices but here are a few things to think about before you click the ‘buy’ button. Not all online rental services are created equal which means you may find some variation in price.  On that note you’ll usually be[Read More…]

Trend Micro offers Social Network privacy help to users

Think twice before you post anything on a social network such as Facebook or Twitter. According to a 2013 survey from Trend Micro 22% of Australian and New Zealand respondents said they have posted something they later regretted or removed.   The survey also revealed hat only 12% of Facebook users is AUS/NZ check their privacy settings each month. Knowing[Read More…]

Change your default passwords

If you want to operate safely online (of course you do) then you need to use good, secure passwords, but apart from the user names and passwords you may use to access websites it’s worth looking into some of the everyday devices we use to ensure they are also secure. For example your home Internet router. It’s the device that[Read More…]

Locking down in-app purchases

Downloading free Apps to your smartphone or tablet could end up costing you more than nothing.  The popular ‘freemium’ business model for apps mean that while the original app is free, small in-App purchases that unlock features, add-ons or levels could get quite expensive. Most people come undone with in-app purchases when handing over their device to a child…who if[Read More…]