
It’s Stay Smart Online week

It’s Stay Smart Online week

June 2 – 6 is “Stay Smart Online Week”, an annual government and industry initiative to promote online safety. This year’s theme is “On the Go” which should serve to remind us that mobile devices are not immune to online risks.  Here are a few tips to help you get started. Securing your mobile device Investigate anti-virus software to install on your[Read More…]

LG Lifeband keeps track of your workouts

LG Lifeband keeps track of your workouts

Like to keep a close eye on your exercise regime?  Well the latest in wearable technology is here to help. The Lifeband touch from LG is a wristband activity tracker that when used with your iOS or Android smartphone can measure your every move…even when you’re not specifically exercising. Walking the kids to school, hanging out the washing, talking the[Read More…]

Report: Cybercrime hits the unexpected

Report: Cybercrime hits the unexpected

The quarterly internet threat report from Trend Micro is never the bearer of good news but it does provide plenty of insight to trends in cyber crime and the tools and techniques that malicious users are employing in their ongoing effort to extract information and money from anyone online. Last week I spoke with Tim Falinski from Trend Micro Australia to[Read More…]

TomTom saves 13million couples from breakup

TomTom saves 13million couples from breakup

Can technology really help saved a marriage?  Well if argument prevention could be considered a marriage saving tool then according to TomTom they’ve saved over 13 million couples from splitting up. Celebrating 10 years in the business of GPS navigation TomTom reports that they’ve sold 75 million navigation devices in that time which apart from preventing agreements around driving directions[Read More…]

LinkedIn meets online dating

LinkedIn meets online dating

The professional networking website LinkedIn is a great place to make good business contacts, find your next job or even recruit new employees but now it has also become a useful dating tool. The makers of a a new App called LinkedUP suggest that as people spend so much of their lives at work there’s nothing wrong with looking for[Read More…]